This page is a component of the Glossary of the Dog Science, CBC
Dog Training Workshop, and an element of the Dog Science Network

Go to the index of the Glossary of Terms

Intermittent Reinforcement

The term intermittent reinforcement refers to reinforcing the response or responses targeted for change, only some of the time. As opposed to reinforcing the targeted response every time it occurs, without exception, as is done when continuous reinforcement is employed.

When you are teaching your dog to do something new, he will acquire the new response more quickly if you reinforce the new behavior continuously than he will if you reinforce him for making the new response only intermittently.

Intermittent reinforcement is considered to be a schedule of reinforcement.

Go to the reinforcement procedures index for more on how to properly dispense reinforcement

Go to the index of the Glossary of Terms

This page is a component of the Glossary of the Dog Science, CBC
Dog Training Workshop, and an element of the Dog Science Network