This page is the Index of the Advanced Course of the Dog Science
Dog Training Workshop, and an element of the Dog Science Network

For a complete description of the advanced curriculum:
Go to the Introduction to the Advanced Workshop

Comprehensive Behavioral Conditioning for Dogs
Our Advanced Workshop Offers You the Holy Trinity of Canine-Related Instruction:
  1. Street safety training,
  2. Obedience training, and
  3. Watchdog training.

Section One: Training Your Dog Never to Enter the Roadway Without Permission
This three-page section, which builds on information introduced in the beginning workshop, will tell you all about street safety training. If you have a dog with the right stuff, these pages will teach you everything you need to know in order to bring him up to a point of one hundred percent reliability, in which you can count on the animal, whether on or off lead, to always sit and wait at the curb whenever he reaches a roadway, and never to enter the street unless he first receives your verbal okay, giving him permission to do so.

Section Two: Training Your Dog to Follow Your Commands
This eleven-page portion of the workshop is dedicated to telling you how to teach your dog to follow your instructions, and how to systematically condition his behavior to ensure that he will want to do so. In the course of telling you how to teach your dog to obey the nine standard obedience commands described in the introduction to the advanced workshop, this section will tell you how to teach your dog proper sidewalk etiquette as he learns to walk in the heel position in a trouble-free manner, both on and off the lead.

Section Three: Training a World-Class Watchdog
This four-page section will tell you everything you need to know to rear a world-class watchdog, including the selection, training, and deployment of your canine sentry. Also included is a description of where watchdogs fit in along the spectrum of protection dogs, and a discussion of the subtleties that go into reading and interacting with a master watchdog.

For a complete description of the advanced curriculum:
Go to the Introduction to the Advanced Workshop

Go to the Introduction to the Beginning Workshop

Go to the Index of the Beginning workshop

This page is the Index of the Advanced Course of the Dog Science
Dog Training Workshop, and an element of the Dog Science Network