About The Dog Science Network

If your goal is to bring an end to the slaughter and the suffering of the canine species, and you only have the time, the energy, and the resources to support one organization, then, beyond a doubt, the group you should rally around should be the Dog Science Network (DSN).

Historically, dog lovers have thrown their support behind the animal welfare agencies like the various Humane Societies, the SPCA, and the animal rescue groups. But you can see where that has gotten us. As a society, over the course of the last fifty years, we have handed over billions of dollars to those organizations to assist them in the rescue of the canine species, yet the plight of the average dog is certainly no better now than it ever was.

Albert Einstein said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results." That being the case, one has to wonder about the wisdom of giving those exact same agencies billions of dollars more with which to execute those exact same programs, without also insisting that an element of reform be built into the system of which they are a part?

The fact of the matter is that we can never rescue the canine species from chronic cruelty through the kind of programs the animal welfare agencies are running, because the structure of the animal control system itself is the fountainhead of canine suffering. That is to say that our high rates of abuse and euthanasia, along with all of our other dog related problems are perpetuated by the structure of the animal control system itself.

Indeed, our canine misery quotient is a function of the methodology that characterizes our system of animal control. Therefore, the only way we can ever hope to even approximate anything approaching an end to the widespread abuse of our canine population is to reform the system that is the driving force behind the slaughter and suffering.

Nonetheless, our animal welfare agencies continue to focus their energies on saving a small percentage of the canine population from devastation through rescue work, while they allow the system that is wreaking all of that devastation to remain in place, unchallenged.

That hardly constitutes an attempt to "end" animal cruelty. Far from it, settling for the rescue of a small percentage of abused dogs while doing nothing to reform the system that almost killed them, and will yet kill tens of millions more, is by no stretch of the imagination working to "end animal cruelty." Rather, it constitutes an acceptance and a willingness to accommodate that cruel system that staggers the imagination.

It is true that there are many dogs who are in desperate condition who need help right now - today. You can help those particular, individual animals, and you should do so by giving to the various animal welfare agencies.

But always remember that you can never end the abuse, the slaughter and the suffering of the canine species by giving money to a dog rescue organization. Your donation to a rescue organization can only serve to keep the rate of abuse and euthanasia somewhat steady, even as those abominations continue on at about the same rate year after year.

If your goal is to bring an end to the slaughter and the suffering of the canine species, then you need to push for a change in the system that is generating all that misery. When it comes to that - the DSN is the only game in town. In fact, ours is the only plan on the table that is actually intended to put a stop to the madness.

We are also the only entity fighting to protect our human population against the system-spawned fraudulent anti-barking laws that allow malicious and irresponsible neighbors to force-feed the sound of their untrained dogs into your living quarters. Thereby, potentially inflicting severe trauma that can lead to the impaired functioning and the steady deterioration of the health and well being of everyone in your family.

The fact is that when it comes to protecting both dogs and people from this atrocious system, we are all there is - but we can only be as strong as you make us.

Please click here to learn what you can do to help.

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