This page is a component of the Glossary of the Dog Science, CBC
Dog Training Workshop, and an element of the Dog Science Network

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The Plain Buckle Collar

The plain buckle collar is probably the dog collar most commonly encountered on the streets.

Standard buckle collars don't stretch, or slip or slide. Rather, you just fit the collar around your dog's neck where you buckle it on, much the same way you would fasten and wear a belt worn around your waist. Hence, the name, the buckle collar.

A buckle collar may be good for attaching your dog's license to the animal, along with his name and other contact information. However, when it comes to training your dog, a buckle collar is an extremely limited device. For training, purposes, you really need one of the slip-type collars, which will not only allow you to attach to your dog and bring him to a halt, but will also let you convey more subtle messages concerning your evaluation of his performance.

Be sure to remove your dog's buckle collar, before you put any sort of slip collar on him. A buckle collar and slip collar should never be worn together. Also, remember that any sort of collar represents a choke hazard and should, therefore, be removed from your dog before he is left alone.

Go to the page that lists all the different types of dog collars

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This page is a component of the Glossary of the Dog Science, CBC
Dog Training Workshop, and an element of the Dog Science Network