This page is part of the Dog Training Basics section of the Dog Science
Dog Training Workshop, which is an element of the Dog Science Network

The Unsettling Voice, also known as an Unsettling Tone

We are using the term unsettling voice to describe a tone of voice that is so innately abrasive that it inevitably triggers emotional anguish and autonomic upheaval for any dog (or human) who is forced to listen to it. In other words, by nature, it's just really upsetting for your dog to have somebody speak to him in that tone of voice.

Because the unsettling tone is intrinsically aversive to dogs, it can be employed as a primary punisher you can use to plug into the formula for changing behavior and, thereby, transform your dog's comportment into what it should be.

In addition, due to its characteristics as an innate punisher, an unsettling voice can be paired with the word no, in a paradigm of classical conditioning that will eventually transform the word no into a conditioned punisher you can use to dissuade your dog from engaging in problematic behavior.

There is one other advantage to practicing up and getting good at using your intolerably irritating voice, which is that it can then serve as one of the two alternating voices you can use in this - not that, training.

For more information about how to use your unsettling voice effectively

Go to the Punishment Procedures Index for more on how to properly dispense aversives

This page is part of the Dog Training Basics section of the Dog Science
Dog Training Workshop, which is an element of the Dog Science Network